Tuesday, February 27, 2007



Looking at the letter “do not let education belong to few talks about how expensive education in our state is getting as well as the nation as a whole. In this rhetoric situation I will go on to explain and analyze the entire letter how ethos, pathos and logos plays a role in there and the purpose and reasons for this letter.
I will start with the audience I mean the readers of this particular letter. To the regular readers of this news paper it wouldn’t be something new because the first writer even went on by pointing out some instances when she had some of her students dropping out of school due to financial difficulties. To our student audience to let the world know the horrible situations we are going through. To the infrequent readers and the American audience, to remember the equal right of opportunities and fairness.
The main purpose of this letter is to try and convince people to go to school and appeal to the state to help us with the tuition and also to cut down the cost. As we all know education plays a very vital role in life without it we would have been living in the dark. But we can boldly say that it has really help in the development of the nation as a whole. The more educated people a nation gets the better off it is. Knowing that nothing is achieved without hard work as our students are putting all their time in their education it would have been better if the state could cut down the expenses and also give enough scholarships and financial aid to help us.
With me being a student and knowing exactly what we have to go through before a semester ends is also a perfect example for all the audience. It is said in the states law that our education is the most affordable but the increment in the last semester’s tuition says otherwise it looks like it is only the minority I mean the rich, it looks like they are the only people that can afford it and so in years to come they will be the only ones left in our schools and the rest of us will be left on the streets. With ethos I think the fact that I am a student my self gives me a little bit of credit since I pretty much know what’s going on.
The genre in this letter will be on how students can work full time and support themselves at the same time. A full time student has a lot of homework to do and at the same time has to be in school which seem to be very impossible because right after they get off school they have to be at work sometimes get very late. And turns out to be very difficult to study and do your homework too. I am a full time student and a full time worker it isn’t a joke, because I get off school at 2pm use about thirty min to go home and get ready to go to work at 4pm and I don’t get off until 12:30 mid night and go back to school at 8am the next day. Which a lot of people think is impossible yeah but its for real that is my life. Finding time for my self seem not to be and I cant do anything for fun it leads me to stress out and if I don’t do that how do I pay for my tuition and all the bills at home sometimes I get so tired that I feel like dropping out of school. It takes a lot for one to stay in school so I don’t think it is so fair for the school authorities to be increasing the fee.
The pathos of this letter will be based on a pathetic appeal I think that it is very impossible to make this authoritative since I was trying to let the people out there to listen to my plea and to get people to know how I feel through the tone of my voice and the emotions been expressed in my personal experience.
To sum up everything it is very important that this matter will be looked into since it is really getting out of hand. A friend of mine told me that her baby is barely 2years in college and since she started the tuition rate has already gone up as high as thirty percent which I think was too much and she is also charged about two hundred dollars of parking each year which I still think is overwhelming to be in a dorm at school is also another thing I don’t see how we can survive this by living with the minimum wage and paying of our domestic bills it all seem so outrageous so I would pray to our big men out there to reach out to us so we can all go to school.

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