Thursday, May 10, 2007


Social Campaigns: Changing Attitudes on Text Messaging and Driving through Long Vacation Camps, a Case Study of Phoenix, Arizona.


Several factors account for road accidents in Phoenix, Arizona. Among the major causes of road accidents are bad and dilapidated roads, drunk driving, recklessness, and lately the use of cell phones and the installation of such gadgets as DVD’s in cars. Technology and the influx of mobile phones has been a mixed blessing. Cell phones can be used for many purposes including instances of traffic emergency, calling for help when deemed necessary, and being able to get in touch with acquaintances with ease. However, the misuse of cell phones during driving has led to many fatalities in Phoenix. The state of Arizona is one of the states in the US that has made major strides in stemming the tide. For instance in her article captioned Proposal would ban texting while driving which appeared in the Arizona Republic on January 24th 2007, Jessica Coomes points out that as a first step to limiting and regulating technology in cars that has the tendency to distract drivers and cause accidents, a group of bi-partisan lawmakers has also cautioned drivers not be tapping out text messages on cell phones while they are on the road.
In this Social Campaigns proposal, the youth of Phoenix would be the main target since they are the backbone of the state’s future development. For the purpose of this research, ‘youth, students and adolescents’ would be used interchangeable to refer to the subject under discussion. Youth can be defined as all young persons, female and male, aged 12-30. Adolescence on the other hand is defined chronologically as people aged 10-19. Adolescence therefore is a period between childhood and adulthood.

Theoretical and Methodological Influences.
In coming out with this research questions and deciding on methodology, I have been informed by a body of research that others have undertaken on social camps and enter-educate (entertainment education). The main focus of this study is Text Messaging and Driving involving youth/adolescents. Long Vacation Camp revolves around life-skill development, and aim to address several issues related to peer pressure, and youth well being.
Linking directly to Bandura’s social cognitive theory which indicates that individuals learn new behaviors by observing and imitating the behavior of role models, the participants through interactions with both project staff and peers, have the opportunity to explore the dangers of text messaging whiles driving. In addition, since personal communication networks, defined as individuals, family, friends, and colleagues, which also have a great influence on the process of behavior change, I will draw on the works of Singhal and Rogers (2002) to study the entertainment aspect of the Camps activities during when very young popular artistes are invited to make performances. This brings together other students who serve as role models and use their experience and knowledge to impact on these young adolescents. Since students tend to adopt information from their peers and have interactions among related group members, these artistes and role models are used to information centering on a wide variety of issues to their colleagues and peers. Among the key point that the camp seeks to address are the prevalence of mobile phones use by young drivers, the impact of text messaging while driving on accidents and the role driver education and legislation in reducing risks.
Research Site- Phoenix, Arizona
Why Phoenix?
Phoenix is one of the cities in the USA that has a diverse population. Sharing a common border with Mexico, and due to good weather temperatures, a lot of people migrate to settle here. In addition having been a resident of Phoenix for about 2 years and an occasional offender of the issue under discussion, I am aware of the issues that the youth face with regards to driving and text messaging. And most especially since there is no recreational activities in the city, the youth pulsates with almost anything from nightclubs to cinema houses and theaters.
Research Methodology
I hope to explore ethnographic approach in this research work where I will concentrate on the students who will attend the Long Vacation Camp. Even though my background as a resident of the city, counts to a large extent in the outcome of the research, I hope to use “optimal ignorance” and “distance myself from the research object as well as to consider my relationship to it”. I shall have to be careful so that my emersion in the setting will not affect the ‘backyard’ research that I am conducting.
Data Collection.
Many techniques are employed to collect data in social research. To arrive at ones’ questions, the researcher must go to the field. Data collection is one of the crucial and tricky stages in conducting ethnographic research. Improper data collection techniques often lead to difficulty in analyzing the data, as well as rendering the final research, unwholesome. The researcher has a lot of choices at his disposal. However, ‘the important point is to use an appropriate method or methods to collect data in a particular situation. It is however important that the researcher uses a combination of data collecting techniques (triangulation) in order that all aspects of the objects would be catered for.
With these in mind and the fact that I seek to do justice to the research, I shall combine the most commonly used ethnographic research data collecting techniques, thus questionnaire, direct and participant observation, interviewing, focus group discussion, and narratives. Since all the above listed are primary data collection techniques, I will also make use of secondary sources from the internet or other publications.
The camp is going to span a period of one month through which time it is hoped that the mindset of the youth with regards to driving and sending text messages would be shaped toward a more responsible and acceptable way. The camp is going to be free for all participants. This implies that a 100 percent solicitations of funds from benevolent associations and individuals. It is estimated that about $20000 would be required for the camp to run successfully.
As a tool for social change the Long Vacation Camp will use participatory communication interspersed with entertainment to educate the youth’s driving behaviors among other things. In addition, it serves as the best avenue to offer counseling service to the adolescents who at their age are faced with a lot of challenges. The outcome of the research will therefore serve as a base and reference point for the state government and other well meaning organizations interested in youth wellbeing to provide related services and intervention to help reduce if not completely eradicate the issue of life loss due to driving and text messaging. This therefore calls for multi approach to this issue. Both governmental and non-governmental organizations, religious organizations, youth advocacy groups, parents and families alike are all to partake in this campaign.
Suggested education over legislation as the key to increasing responsible use of mobile phones. There is the need to increase driver education, particularly for adolescents and learner drivers by adhering to existing laws and some common sense practices, young drivers can make safe use of their hands free mobile phones while enjoying the substantial public safety and personal security benefits they provide.

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