Monday, March 26, 2007


I entered the class about five minutes late. It was on the 16th of January 2007, this was the first day at school from winter break. I was still home sick since I had just come back from Africa. class was to start at ten in the morning I got there at ten minutes to ten but the parking lot was so full that I couldn’t find a spot I had to drive around the school for about ten minutes before I found a spot behind the main building, so I entered the class the only spot left was the chair in front of the class the instructor had already started teaching which made me a little uncomfortable he asked, are you registered for English 102 i nodded he offered me the only seat left by then everyone turned in my direction to figure out who this was. oh gosh I was confused as anything else but i finally found my self in the seat in front then he continued what he was talking about which didn’t make any sense to me because i didn’t know what he was talking about neither did I know what was going on since i hadn’t recovered yet. Then he ask the class someone should volunteer to talk about the add on the projector it was then that i realized there was something on there so the girl sitting by me raised her hand she talked first for some reason I wasn’t still getting what was going on all i could figure was that it has something to do with smoking so he got done and the instructor said since she volunteered to start the next person should go which was my turn and I was tensed I sat there for about thirty seconds and i managed to say something I went like this,” SINCE I DONT SMOKE I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SMOKING" so the instructor looked at me and all he said was that’s fine and that it was accepted I didn’t feel bad about it until the whole class said what they taught about and i figured out you don’t have to be a smoker in order for you to talk about an add. What I learned from that day was to never be late for any class since that can screw me up big time

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